In the YMCA's Diabetes Prevention Program, a trained Lifestyle Coach will introduce topics in a supportive, small group environment and encourage participants as they explore how healthy eating, physical activity and behavior changes can help reduce their risk for diabetes and benefit their overall health. The year long lifestyle change is divided into 16 week sessions followed by 8 monthly sessions. The program goal is to reduce body weight by 7% and to increase physical activity by 150 minutes per week.
The Diabetes Prevention Program is a recognized program by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. To see if you or anyone you know may qualify for this FREE PROGRAM, take the quick online test here.
Information needs to be submitted and approved prior to enrollment. Submit test results to our YMCA Diabetes Program Coordinator, Renee Gorby, via mail or in person to Member Services. *Please note: if you have already been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes you will not be eligible to participate.
Visit diabetes prevention program page for more info.