From the very beginning, the basis of the Young Men's Christian Association has been membership. There were 12 charter members when the YMCA was founded in London, England in 1814. The Henderson Family YMCA welcomes all who want to become members. Memberships are continuous from the date of joining until the member resigns. Members are encouraged to use the automatic bank draft system, in which monthly payments can be drawn from your checking account or credit card account automatically. Membership dues are not refundable and are not transferable to another person.
About your membership
Who May Join
Any person regardless of race, religion, or creed may become an active member by completing a written application and paying dues.
Membership Amenities
Your membership allows the use of our entire facility
- 6-lane indoor heated pool, sauna, steam room, and hot tub
- Gymnasiums
- Wellness Center
- Free Weight Room
- Free fitness classes
- Racquetball and squash courts
- Outdoor 1/4 mile running track
- Locker room facilities
- Reduced rates for YMCA programs
- 3 Free Orientations
- Nation wide reciprocity
*There may be times when special events or programs prohibit the use of our gymnasiums and pool.
Please call to schedule an appointment with one of our fitness staff for an appointment to become familiar with our programs and equipment and to create your personalized fitness program. This is key to your success. We are here for you!
Membership Dues
There are a couple of methods available to you to pay for your membership.
- You may choose to pay monthly by allowing us to draft either your checking account or your credit card account.
- Payroll deduction is also offered by local employers who choose to offer this employment benefit. Members' dues, processing fees, and program fees are subject to change.
You are considered a member of this organization and responsible for all dues until you sign a cancellation form at the Member Services desk. Initial payment can be made by cash, check, money order, credit or debit card. You will be charged a service charge for any charge denied by your bank. Membership privileges are suspended until bad debts are paid. A new processing fee will be required on all canceled accounts after sixty days.
Lending your membership to another person is prohibited. Your membership can be canceled for allowing anyone to use your card.
IMPORTANT NOTE - Any changes to your bank/credit card information, including expiration dates, may affect your monthly draft and could result in a decline. Please notify us immediately of any changes.
Financial Assistance
The Henderson Family YMCA will not deny participation in any activity because of an individual's lack of funds. Financial assistance is available to those who complete an application and present required income verification. to those who qualify, rates will be adjusted according to income.
Rates/Schedule Changes
The YMCA reserves the right to change prices and alter schedules without prior publication notice. We will try to keep these changes to a minimum. Make sure to download our mobile app and stay connected! Changes are communicated via website, mobile app, and social media.
Membership Refunds
We do not have a return policy. There are no refunds for membership.
Program Refunds
The Y occasionally cancels a class due to insufficient registration. In the event the Y cancels a class, a full refund or program credit will be issued. No refund is given unless the class is canceled by the YMCA.
Guest Policy
Henderson Family YMCA members age 18 and older are welcome to bring a guest to the Y at any time.
- One (1) guest is allowed per visit. A guest equals one (1) individual or a family unit.
- All guests must be properly registered and checked in with Member Services.
- Guests 16 years of age and older must provide photo ID.
- Guests 12 years of age and younger must be accompanied by an adult.
- Local guests (residents of Vance, Granville, Warren, or Franklin counties) must be accompanied by a member. Members need not accompany guests from outside the four (4) county area but must arrange the guest's visit with Member Services.
- Each guest is limited to ten (10) visits per year.
- Guest fees apply to all guests, on every visit.
- Age 13 and over $10 per day
- Age 12 and under $5 per day
Members assume full responsibility for the conduct of their guests, including any damage or vandalism. Improper conduct by a guest may affect the sponsoring members' status up to including suspension or termination of membership.
Each guest age 18 years of age and older will be scanned through a National Sex Offender Registry database. Access will be denied to any individual registered as a sex offender.
YMCA staff has the right to refuse guests due to overcrowding.
Age Policy
The Henderson Family YMCA strongly encourages parents and guardians to use good judgment regarding the supervision of their children while at the YMCA. Members, participants, and guests of all ages are expected to abide by the YMCA's Code of Conduct. The YMCA is not a "hang out" for teens or a substitution for supervised child care. The YMCA reserves the right for staff to make discretionary decisions regarding prolonged attendance by unsupervised teens, including contacting a parent or guardian with a request to pick up the teen.

- BASIC FACILITY: Members must be at least 13 years of age to be left unsupervised at the YMCA. children aged 12 years and under must be accompanied and supervised by a parent/guardian (age 16 or older) or enrolled and participating in a supervised program.
- NURSERY: Children aged 6 weeks - 5 years may be left in the nursery up to a maximum of two (2) hours each session (morning & evening) however, the parent/guardian may not leave the premises.
- KID ZONE: Children aged 6-12 years may attend Kid Zone however, the parent/guardian may not leave the premises. If Kid Zone is closed, children aged 6-12 may be left in the Nursery for up to one (1) hour.
- POOL: Children aged 7 years and older (who can swim without aid as determined by lifeguard) may be in the pool without adult supervision however, the parent/guardian may not leave the premises. All children aged 6 years and under, as well as children aged 7 years and older (who require a swimming aid as determined by the lifeguard) must be accompanied in the pool by a parent/guardian and remain within arm's reach of the parent/guardian at all times.
- GYM/RACQUET COURTS: Persons aged 13 years and older are permitted to use the gym and racquet courts. Children aged 12 years and younger must be directly supervised.
- KIDS GYM: Persons aged 12 years and younger are permitted to use the Kids Gym when accompanied and supervised by a parent/guardian (aged 16 years or older) or enrolled and participating in a supervised YMCA program. Persons aged 13 years and older may use the Kids Gym for organized activities (i.e. pickle ball, badminton). Please do not dunk on the basketball goals in the Kids' Gym.
- WELLNESS CENTER: Persons aged 15 years and older may use the Wellness Center. Members aged 11-14 years must complete the Weights, Wellness, & Fitness (WWF) certification to use the Wellness Center. Members aged 11-12 must complete the WWF certification and be directly supervised by a parent/guardian. Guests aged 14 and under may not use the Wellness Center.
- FREE WEIGHT ROOM: Persons aged 15 years and older may use the Free Weight Room.
- GROUP EXERCISE CLASSES: Persons aged 13 years and older may attend group exercise classes. With the instructor's express permission and at the instructor's discretion, children ages 12 and younger may participate in a group exercise class with a parent/guardian who is also participating in the class. Some classes may not be appropriate for some children.
Any special circumstances which may merit an exception to this Age policy must be approved in writing by the appropriate YMCA Director, in consultation with other YMCA staff.
Animal Policy
The Y understands that service and emotional support animals help people in our community, however, the two groups are distinct and have varying rights and access under the North Carolina State law (and at the Y). The Henderson Family YMCA welcomes service animals which are covered under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and are awarded a specific set of rights.
Service animals perform a variety of duties, including:
- Guiding people who are blind
- Alerting people who are deaf
- Pulling a wheelchair
- Alerting and protecting a person who is having a seizure
- Reminding a person with mental illness to take prescribed medications
- Calming a person with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) during an anxiety attack
Service and emotional support animals are not the same. See the differences below:
Covered by the ADA to bring into public establishments?
Service animals - yes
Emotional support animals - no
Allowed in apartments and condos with a "No Pets" policy?
Service animals - yes
Emotional support animals - yes
Specially trained?
Service animals - yes
Emotional support animals - no
Primary function to provide support through companionship?
Service animals - no
Emotional support animals - yes
Must be certified or registered?
Service animals - no
Emotional support animals - no
Staff may ask the handler/owner of a service animal:
- Is the animal a Service Animal required for a disability?
- What work or task is the Service Animal trained to perform?
Staff may ask you to remove your service animal from the facility if the animals behavior poses a threat to the health or safety of others.
Locker Usage
Lockers can be used daily by members with a lock and key checked out at the Member Services desk, or a locker can be rented by the year. If the member chooses to rent a locker for the year the member should provide a lock for the rented locker. The member may select their locker to be used for the year. The member will be invoiced for the locker rental in January for the upcoming year. The YMCA is not responsible for lost or stolen articles. Locks left on daily-use lockers will be removed and articles taken to the lost and found area.
Lost and Found
Lost items may be claimed at the Member Services desk. Valuables lost will be securely kept at the desk and may be claimed there. After 30 days, items will be distributed to a charity organization.
Merchandise Sales
YMCA T-shirts, sweatshirts, swim goggles, swim caps, and towels as well as bottled water and protein drinks can be purchased at our Member Services desk.
Building Attire
Appropriate shirts and non-marking shoes are to be worn in the building at all times. Swimming apparel is restricted to the pool area. Fitness apparel and appropriate gymnasium attire are expected in the Wellness Center and Gym.
- Please wear clothing that covers your chest, back, and stomach.
- Please wear closed-toed athletic shoes.
Workout Etiquette
- Be respectful. Be kind and mindful. Swearing, grunting, or distracting others with offensive language/noises will not be tolerated.
- Please wear clothing that covers your chest, back, and stomach.
- Please wear closed-toed athletic shoes.
- Your health matters. Please wipe off equipment before and after use with the towels and cleaner provided.
- Spill Free Zone - use only water in bottles made of non-breakable material. No food or beverages.
- Electronics - thank you for leaving cell phone conversations outside the respective fitness area in respect of other members. Please use headphones/earbuds to listen to music, podcasts, etc.
- Thirty-Minute Rule - please adhere to the thirty-minute rule when using the cardiovascular equipment during peak hours. If additional machines are available when you complete your 30-minute workout, feel free to stay on the machine and increase your time.
- We encourage you to progress through our resistance equipment so that other members may continue their workouts.
- Please be respectful and do not rest on equipment and if possible, allow others to work in between your sets.
- Please insert the weight pin correctly and do not slam the weights down on the resistance equipment. Raise and lower weights in a smooth, fluid motion.
- Do not, for any reason, place fingers between weight stacks.
- Weights and equipment must be used in the respective fitness areas only.
- Always return weights and equipment to their proper storage area when finished. Please be respectful of other participants and staff.
- If unfamiliar with the use of a machine, please consult a staff member for instructions.
Code of Conduct
The YMCA is committed to providing a safe and welcoming environment for all. To promote safety and comfort that ensures the highest level of caring, honesty, respect, responsibility, and faith - YMCA values - at all times when in our facilities, on our property or participating in our programs.
We expect persons using the YMCA to act maturely, to behave responsibly, and to respect the rights and dignity of others.
The actions listed below, which are not intended to be an all-inclusive list of behaviors, are considered inappropriate and are prohibited in our facilities or programs:
- Lending your membership to another person is prohibited. Your membership can be canceled for allowing anyone to use your card.
- Using or possessing alcohol or illegal drugs on YMCA property, in YMCA vehicles or facilities, or at YMCA-sponsored programs.
- Smoking on YMCA property – All YMCA buildings and grounds are smoke and tobacco-product-free environments. This includes vaping and e-cigarettes.
- Theft or behavior that results in the destruction or loss of property.
- Physical contact with another person in an angry, aggressive, or threatening way.
- Verbally abusive behavior, including profanity, angry language, swearing or name-calling.
- Sexually explicit conversation or behavior; any sexual contact with another person.
- Carrying or concealing a weapon or any device or object that may be used as a weapon.
- Derogatory or unwelcome comments based on an individual’s race, color, sex/gender, gender identity, religion, age, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, veteran status or other considerations protected by law.
- Harassment or intimidation by words, gestures, body language, or any type of menacing behavior.
- In locker rooms, we ask members to be as modest and discreet as possible.
- Inappropriate or revealing attire.*Refer to Building Attire for specific.
- Using YMCA facilities to work with a “client”, or facilitate a “third-party program” regardless of membership status, without being an employee of the YMCA.
- Loitering within facilities or on the grounds of the YMCA after being requested to depart the YMCA’s property
- Use of social networking websites in a manner that is contrary to the YMCA’s mission is detrimental to the community or is in violation of the law.
- an environment that protects the privacy of all members and guests by prohibiting the use of any recording device unless prior permission is granted.
- Cell phone usage. *Refer to Workout Etiquette and Video Tapes/Photography for specifics.
- Any type of abuse will not be tolerated and may be cause for immediate dismissal.
Members and use of the YMCA facilities are privileges. YMCA leadership reserves the right to deny access or membership to any person who violates the Code of Conduct and/or has been accused or convicted of any crime involving physical, verbal or sexual abuse, is or has been a registered sex offender, has never been convicted of any offense related to the sale, possession and/or transportation of illegal drugs, is currently under the influence of illegal or dangerous drugs or chemicals, narcotics, or intoxicating beverages, or has been accused or convicted of any crime or accused of any conduct that would, in the YMCA’s sole judgment be contrary to the YMCA’s commitment to providing a safe and welcoming environment for all.
Anyone who feels that this Code of Conduct is being violated should immediately report the behavior to a staff member on duty. YMCA staff members are eager to be of assistance.
Suspension or termination of YMCA membership may result from a violation of this Code of Conduct. While an incident is being investigated, the membership of the person(s) accused of violating this Code of Conduct may be temporarily suspended pending a final decision.
Please note: Our YMCAs utilize video technology to protect all persons. Cameras are installed in open/public areas only and not in private areas such as locker rooms, restrooms, etc.
The YMCA thanks each member for doing their part in making this a great place to be for everyone.
Main Gym
Our gymnasium is a full-sized school regulation gym. We have two cross court basketball floors. Seventeen laps around the gym equal one mile.
- Appropriate gym attire is required at all times.
- Children are not permitted in the gym during times scheduled for adult classes.
- At all times, please follow the schedule posted on the website. Schedule changes may be made during school vacation times.
- All members and guests will be expected to conduct themselves in a proper manner at all times.
- Only non-marking rubber soled gym shoes are allowed on the gym floor.
- Violators of the rules and regulations will forfeit their membership privileges.
- No eating or drinking in the gym.
Kids Gym
The kids gymnasium was built for children aged 12 and under for their games and activities when the gym is not being used by childcare, summer camps, youth basketball or other planned children's activities. All adults must be accompanied by a child in the age group.
*Reserved 2:30-6:00 pm on school days or 7:30-6:00 pm on holidays, teacher workdays and during Summer Camp.
Wellness Center
Our Certified Personal Trainers and fitness staff are available to help you meet your fitness goals.
The Wellness Center offers a variety of cardiovascular equipment including ellipticals, treadmills, recumbent bikes, and more. In addition, we offer the Matrix Weight Conditioning System which provides a series of workout stations that allow a total body workout of every major muscle group. So feel free to schedule an appointment with one of our wellness staff to become familiar with our equipment.
- Age Policy
- All new members aged 15 years and older may receive three basic orientations to become familiar with our equipment.
- Members aged 11-14 years must complete a Weights, Wellness & Fitness (WWF) orientation before accessing the Wellness Center. A doctor-approved physical within the last 12 months is required. *Members aged 11-12 years supervised by a parent/guardian.
- Guests aged 14 and under may not use the Wellness Center.
Free Weight Room
The Free Weight room offers a variety of dumbbells, barbells, kettlebells, medicine balls, and resistance bands. Free weights are a form of strength training that offers resistance exercises provided by 'free' objects that aren't attached to anything and that you can pick up and move for a personalized total body workout of every major muscle group.
- Age Policy
- Members aged 15 years and older may access the Free Weight room.
Fitness Classes
The Henderson Family YMCA offers a wide range of aerobic exercise programs for members at no additional cost.
- Group Fitness Classes: Encompasses fitness that's done in a group setting, led by a personal trainer or group instructor. Emphasis is on aerobic, strength-based, mind, and body.
- Water Aerobics: An outstanding program for those who find floor exercise to be too stressful for the bones and joints. Emphasis is on total fitness, including heart-lung endurance, muscle flexibility and endurance.
The class schedule is subject to change. Our nursery is available for the children of members taking classes.
Stay connected via website, mobile app, social media, and Members Services to view schedules.
- Our pool is 25 yards long and has six lanes
- 72 lengths or 36 laps = one mile
- 2 lengths (down and back) = one lap
- The water is 3ft 5in deep at each end and slopes to 5ft deep in the center
- We are a saltwater pool and maintain a temperature between 82-86 degrees
Lap lane swimmers are encouraged to go to Sign up Genius on their Y app on their phone to set up an account to reserve a lap lane for swimming. A lane may be reserved one time per day for an hour. An email confirming your reservation will be sent. If the need to cancel arises you may go to your email and edit your reservation.
An aquatics staff person may give a swim test to a child between the ages of 7yrs-12yrs to be eligible to be in the pool area without a parent/guardian. The parent/guardian must understand that they must pass all 3 skills without any floatation device (jump in 5ft, swim to lane rope and back on top of water, float on back for 30 seconds (no leg and arm movement), and tread water for 30 seconds staying in one spot with head above water. They must pass to be in the water without a parent/guardian. If not successful, then the parent/guardian must be in the water within arm’s reach of the child. If the child passes the blue swim card must be filled out completely and they will receive a green necklace. If they pass two of the three skills, they may receive a yellow necklace but must stay in the 3ft 5in depth and the parent/guardian must be in the aquatics area. The parent/guardian must be in the water with any child 6 years and under and 7 years or older and stay within arm’s reach if the child does not pass the swim test.
- Children should not use the swimming pool without adult supervision. Adults should not swim alone.
- Glass, food, drink, gum pets, soap or lotion, and oils are not allowed in or around the pool.
- Showers are required before entering the pool.
- Please always walk, no running, boisterous, or rough play.
- No diving. Do not jump backward, perform back dives or somersaults from the side of the pool. (White gutter board and gray floor)
- Please no extended breath holding.
- Persons showing evidence of any communicable skin disease or any other condition that would present a threat to public health are not permitted in the pool.
- Persons who wear diapers are required to wear properly fitted swim diapers in the pool.
- Our policy regarding inclement weather/thunderstorms is to evacuate the pool area, clearing all people from the pool deck for a minimum of 30 minutes past the last observation of thunder or lightning. (The Redwoods Group, American Red Cross, and National Lightning Safety Institute recommend).
Please follow the Aquatics Staff’s Instructions and follow the pool rules for your safety as well as others' safety.
The YMCA reserves the right to refuse admittance to or dismiss from the premises, any person failing to comply with YMCA regulations.
Spa-Sauna-Steam Room
- Spa-Sauna-Steam Room use is for individuals ages 13 years and older. No child under the age of 13 is permitted in the spa-sauna-steam room.
- Please shower before entering the Spa and Pool, this includes after using the Sauna or Steam Room.
- Please wash off Oils, Body Lotions, and Minerals before entering the Spa and Pool.
- Please do not wear outdoor shoes in the sauna.
- Pregnant women, elderly persons, and any person suffering from heart disease, diabetes, or high or low blood pressure should not enter the spa-sauna-steam room, without prior medical consultation and permission from their doctor.
- Do not use the spa-sauna-steam room while under the influence of alcohol, tranquilizers, or other drugs that cause drowsiness or that raise or lower blood pressure.
- Do not use alone, unsupervised use by children is prohibited.
- Enter and exit slowly as use may cause nausea, dizziness, or fainting as well as staying for a long-extended time.
- Please observe the reasonable time limit of is15 minutes. You may cool off for five minutes and return for another stay.
- The spa-sauna-steam room is not the appropriate space for exercise and personal hygiene practices. (They are a health and safety violation).
- Lights in the sauna and steam room must remain on for the safety of oneself and others.
- Only water in non-breakable containers is permitted in the spa-sauna-steam room and pool area. Other liquids and food of any kind are prohibited in the spa-sauna-steam room and pool area.
Please follow the Aquatics Staff’s Instructions and follow the spa-sauna-steam room rules for your safety as well as others' safety. The YMCA reserves the right to refuse admittance to or dismiss from the premises, any person failing to comply with YMCA regulations.
Racquetball Courts
- A member may bring a guest with them to play a game by paying a guest fee.
- Non-members may not reserve courts without a member.
- Courts may be reserved up to 48 hours in advance and play playtime is limited to 45 minutes. If there are no other reservations after your slot has expired you may continue playing.
- The Y mandates the use of non-marking sports shoes and safety eyewear for all participants.
- You must reserve your time slot at the Member Services desk and check in before playing.
Track and Field
We offer our members a three-lane composite rubber-covered running track that is well-lighted for your safety. The track is one-quarter mile long with four laps to the mile.
- We encourage members to bring guests to the track.
- The inside lane is the designated running lane.
- Walkers please use the two outside lanes.
- No motorized vehicles, cleats, roller skates/blades are allowed on this surface.
- The Y also has four acres of playing fields which, when not being used for programs, may be used for your recreation.
- No vehicles are allowed on the fields.
Adult Recreational Activities
A variety of adult activities are offered each year as interest dictates. Includes basketball, kickball, and pickleball. Please make us aware of specific sports!
Youth Sports
The youth sports programs currently being offered at the YMCA are boys’ basketball, girls’ basketball, soccer, t-ball, and a volleyball clinic.
Kid Zone/ Nursery
- Children are allowed up to two hours per day in Kid Zone.
- Parents/caregivers must remain onsite at the YMCA while their children is in the Kid Zone.
- The adult who drops the child off at Kid Zone should also be the parent picking up from Kid Zone.
- Children who exhibit behavior harmful or potentially harmful to other children may be denied admission to the nursery or removed by a parent or guardian.
- Children who exhibit symptoms of illness may be denied admission to the nursery or removed by a parent or guardian.
- Children will NOT be left alone while in the nursery.
- Nursery staff members are not permitted to use personal cell phones while on duty except in case of an emergency
- Staff will escort children to the bathroom as needed.
- With written permission from a parent/guardian, staff will change diapers as needed.
Please visit the childcare page for all policies, procedures and FAQ's.
Youth Camps
After School Camp
- This program is held at the YMCA for elementary and middle school children. Children who participate in our after-school camp are picked up at their various elementary and middle schools on our Y buses. We offer a safe environment and involvement with activities such as homework and recreation. We also offer snacks during this time. The hours for this program are after school until 6:00 pm.
Summer Day Camp
- This is a wonderful way for children in Pre-K through rising 8th grade to spend the summer. We provide creative, recreational, and educational opportunities. Our summer campers participate in swimming, swim lessons, daily devotions, arts and crafts, field trips, and more. Trained staff contribute to the physical, mental, social, and spiritual well-being of campers. Pre-registration is required. Hours of operation are Monday through Friday from 7:30 am to 6:00 pm.
Sex Offender Registry
The YMCA conducts regular sex offender screenings on all members, participants, and guests. If a sex offender match occurs, the YMCA reserves the right to cancel membership, end program participation and remove visitation access.
Video Tapes/Photography
Locker Rooms
- The privacy and safety of all individuals should be honored at all times while in our locker room facilities. This includes not taking photographs or videos and not engaging in any behavior that makes others feel uncomfortable or unsafe.
- The Y occasionally videotapes/photographs its members and participants in various activities. Some of these are used in Y marketing materials, such as ads, brochures, and digital media. If you do not want your photo used by the Y, please step out of the shot or notify the photographer before the picture is taken.
Terms of Use
Coming soon!
Emergency Procedure
In an emergency, such as fire, dangerous weather, mechanical failure, or civil disorder, the staff will implement emergency procedures. Members are asked to follow the directions of the staff for their safety. When directed by the staff to leave the building please stop your workout and leave the building immediately.
Members are asked to report all accidents, injuries, or other unusual incidents to the staff person on duty or Member Services. The YMCA does not provide personal medical insurance for members. Thus, participation insurance is the responsibility of the member.
Our parking lot is "one way" - please stay right when entering and exiting. Please drive carefully and watch for people crossing the parking lot and Ruin Creek Road. Please do not park in the handicapped parking spaces without the required permit.